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  • Writer's pictureVritti Khawani

Meat substitutes with same taste, texture & nutrients

In the beginning, the man was a herbivore. His entire digestive system is more suitable for digesting vegetarian food. In the course of time, humans learned that like some animals, they too could consume meat. Meat not only provided man, with a variety of food options but also a source of proteins. It is believed that proteins improved his brainpower and fastened his evolution. Then the discovery of fire made the meat more digestible.

A meat substitute or meat alternative is a food that can have a taste, texture, or appearance similar to meat, but does not contain meat. This diet is vegetarian.

People eat meat substitutes for a number of reasons. Some refrain from eating meat for ethical reasons or due to personal beliefs. Others may choose vegetarian food for health reasons.

Research also suggests that eating less meat could be better for the environment and overall health.

The following are some of the foods and products that can replace meat.

1. Pulses

Dried peas, beans, lentils, and chickpeas are an important part of a healthy diet. Pulses are very high in fiber, soluble fiber, and resistant starch. After eating pulses, blood sugars will rise slowly, so pulses are good for people suffering from diabetes.

They are high in protein, potassium, and many other vitamins and minerals. Pulses are also low in fat and saturated fat and have no cholesterol. For lower sodium options, we use dried pulses.

Pulses can also help heart health and may have a role in helping with weight loss.

2. Tofu

Tofu is condensed soy milk that manufacturers press into blocks of varying firmness, similar to how dairy milk becomes cheese.

Tofu is a good source of protein and contains all the essential amino acids a person needs for good health.

Tofu is also versatile and has a very mild flavor, so people can try marinating it to give it the flavor they desire. Some people use it as a substitute for eggs or mix it into hot dishes such as soups and stir-fries.

3. Seitan

Seitan is taken from wheat gluten. The production process removes the starch from the wheat. What is left behind is a protein-dense food that has a texture similar to that of chicken and a mild taste.

Though seitan is nutritious, it is not safe for people prone to celiac disease (inflammation of the intestines), and it is not suitable for people who follow a gluten-free diet.

4. Mushroom

There are many different types of mushrooms. Well-known edible species of mushroom are button, oyster, porcini and chanterelles. There are, however, many species that are not edible.

All types of edible mushrooms contain protein and fibre. They also contain B vitamins as well as a powerful antioxidant called selenium, which helps to support the immune system and prevent damage to cells and tissues.

White button mushrooms are one of the few non-animal sources of vitamin D.

Mushrooms are used for their important health benefits with different varieties having different medicinal properties. They have some therapeutic properties that can help to lower cholesterol as well as help prevent cells from sticking to blood vessel walls and forming plaque build-up. This in turn then helps protect the heart by maintaining healthy blood pressure and circulation.

5. Paneer (Cottage cheese)

Many people consume raw cottage cheese for health benefits. Cottage cheese is fresh curd cheese which is mildly flavored

It is difficult to imagine Indian cuisine without paneer. If the non-vegetarians have their ever-so-versatile chicken, then vegetarians have for long taken pride in their most beloved 'paneer' which can blend in any dry or gravy preparation.

Many people also consume raw cottage cheese with black pepper or add it to their salads for its milky flavour and numerous health benefits.

Cottage cheese is a dense source of protein. It depends upon the kind of milk from which the paneer is churned. If it is from full cream milk, it is high on fat, in addition to being a protein-dense food. Other than iron, almost all essential minerals like calcium and magnesium are present in cottage cheese. Another highlight of cottage cheese is that it does not require any cooking and can be consumed directly. A cube of raw paneer, therefore, makes for a powerhouse of proteins.

Cottage cheese is one of the best sources of calcium. Adequate calcium levels ensure healthy bones, teeth, healthy heart muscles, and smooth nerve functioning too.

So, those who want to turn vegetarians, there is nothing to worry regarding your intake of proteins and other nutrients.


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