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  • Writer's picturePrakash Khawani

9 Things you can do during a lockdown

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

Friends, we are passing through one of the toughest times in the history of our planet. The Coronavirus has shaken the whole world like the aliens from some fiction novels. We all are sailing in the same boat. No one can predict when normalcy will return. Therefore I suggest some ways to use this time fruitfully. No doubt, you are told to work from home, but there are limitations. You might find a lot of free time in your hands. The adage empty mind is devil's workshop holds true even today. Given below are some of the ways you can use to make the lockdown beneficial:

1. Plan ahead

Lockdown is going to end in a while. Use your free time now to plan your next goals in life. This is the golden opportunity to review your goals.

2. Hobby time

You can hone your hobbies, interests, and skills. You have always yearned to do things, but in the competitive world, you never had the time or energy. Use the free time to work on your hobby to perfection. It is quite perfect to uplift your hobby to a professional level. If there is nothing else, then indoor games can be played.

3. Best time to catch up online with long lost friends

Use your time to revisit your network of your friends who too will be more supportive during these days. But remember the network must be made of friends who are value-adding and not those who just want to waste your time. Be wise enough to seek those friends who you can learn from and make you a better person. Also share your knowledge with others and for sure others will do the same.

4. Complete your pending tasks

This is an ideal time for you to complete any unfinished tasks. You may not be able to travel out, but still, you can do your work from home.

5. Reading and music

Though these may be your hobbies, you can read online books that you never had the time for. Music can rejuvenate your tired mind. Give your soul the music that it always craved for.

6. Daydream

Use your lockdown time to dream big as dreaming is the starting point to the world of successful people. These are wonderful times to let your imagination wander. You can also go to the terrace and enjoy looking at the stars when you are dreaming. Note down your dreams for future implementation.

7. Volunteer from home

Share your skills with other people as a volunteer. Teach online to the children who are missing their coaching classes or tuitions at home. Counsel the ones who need your expert advice.

8. Think of God and spiritualism

We all Indians need God's intervention to rid the Coronavirus. Precautions and care will help, but God and spiritualism will boost our minds to a positive attitude and thinking. Give yourself the space to unwind, reflect, and think about the bigger picture and life’s purpose. Whether you are religious or not, spiritual time is an essential part of being humans. There are many spiritual paths to trod on.

9. Kitchen gardening

I had read how the Japanese people do gardening in the limited space they have. Their results are wonderful. We Indians are agricultural people to the core. We too can use pots for gardening on our terrace or the balcony of our house. Several quick-growing plants that yield vegetables and condiments can be cultivated quite easily. Keep kitchen gardening for profit. Share the yields with your neighbors. Cooking the greens from your garden is very satisfying and the taste of food is superb. So, the nine gems given above can be tried out.

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